rem == CreatePartitions-BIOS.txt == rem == These commands are used with DiskPart to rem create three partitions rem for a BIOS/MBR-based computer. rem Adjust the partition sizes to fill the drive rem as necessary. == rem WinNTSetup_Boot=S: rem WinNTSetup_Install=W: select disk %WinNTSetup_Disk% clean rem == 1. System partition ====================== create partition primary size=350 format quick fs=ntfs label="System" assign letter="S" active rem == 2. Windows partition ===================== rem == a. Create the Windows partition ======= create partition primary rem == b. Create space for the recovery image shrink minimum=15000 rem ** Note, adjust the size to match rem the size of the recovery image. rem == c. Prepare the Windows partition ====== format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows" assign letter="W" rem == 3. Recovery image partition ============== create partition primary set id=27 format quick fs=ntfs label="Recovery image" assign letter="R" list volume exit